Search Results for "Christina Holzhauser"

Truth is a Sphere: A Conversation with Christina Holzhauser

Christina Holzhauser comes from a speck of a town in Missouri called Portland, a once-popular shipping post located on the banks of the Missouri River. It’s the kind of place where daily events swell to mythic proportions by the time they’re recounted in the local bar the Holzhauser family has owned for close to 80…

Mom Speaks on What Sold at Auction by Christina Holzhauser

Mom Speaks on What Sold at Auction Christina Holzhauser Old Ringer Washing Machine When I was in high school, I made alotta my clothes because I took Home-Ec, so I made stuff. Far as I know, they was hand me downs. I really don’t know where we got our clothes; we just had em. Mom…

Christina Holzhauser

Dad Tells Me How They Made Sausage by Christina Holzhauser

Dad Tells Me How They Made Sausage Christina Holzhauser Oh yeah, we made our own sausage. Had a sausage grinder. Grind that all up. Stuff it. Put it in, oh, used to, years ago, they used to take the guts from the hogs—they clean all that outta there. Sometime we started buyin’ it at the…

Issue 16

Rivet 16       I am firewood   being cut in the rain. —Simon Shieh It is always interesting to see the synchronicity in what rises to the top of our slush piles. We choose the work, but themes seem to be chosen for us. Issue 16 holds fascinating cross-form conversations. Beth Weeks’ “The Ashtray” talks to Simon Shieh’s…


Browse the Best of Rivet One of the greatest things about working on Rivet is that it gives us the opportunity to signal boost unique and powerful writers. We do this not just by publishing them here on the journal but also by putting their work in front of prize committees at the national level….