Issue 18

Rivet 18

When they’re arrested, they each say, in testimony, that they “just had to read” what had been written, “way up there—whatever the risk.” 
—Jack Bastock

Rivet 18 is one of our most authentic, affecting, and experimental. You’ll find stories of dark and light, written by authors who are unafraid to look underneath and behind realities constructed to keep the status quo, who shine a light on deeper truths.


Amphibious by Alyssa Greene — fiction

Yes, #MeToo by Carol Lynne Knight — poetry

My Next, Best Book—In Dot Point by Jack Bastock — fiction/hybrid

Putting on “Space Suit” by Zach Powers — nonfiction

from “Ornithoncology” by B.J. Best — poetry

In Poland, Once by Marc Alan Di Martino — poetry

Walk With Me by Wim Hylen — fiction

faintly it echoes inside head by Nicholas Alti — poetry