faintly it echoes inside head by Nicholas Alti
faintly it echoes inside head
Nicholas Alti
three mile tentacle
pushes inside my mouth

makes me smile
i smile now

stars are dead fish
swimming in dark
an algebra for algae:
skin x limb + (i fear this variable so much) – could i but only fear the devil=
a number so unimportant
it will not be written,
only referred to endlessly in whispers on extinction
an ethereal equation:
mist + dead fish + hunger like embers catching = eat skin from limb & dim moon/sun
i am moon unfolding sun in
corpse of bloodlost with no
little hand holding your tiny
tongue, you brought roses
because you don’t know how
to say everything is pretty thorn
you brought lilies, you don’t
know how to say the world
grew a great mouth
dull graphite teeth it is always
eating me
i am amoeba, i am parasite,
i am lavender on fire

i am gorgeous purple smoke:
a songless continent’s ghost

© 2019 Nicholas Alti
From the depths of the rural Midwest, Nicholas Alti is a barely functioning occultist wannabe with trigeminal neuralgia and poor timing. He enjoys all things nebulous and far-fetched and anything of the heebie-jeebies variety. Nicholas is an assistant editor for fiction and poetry at The Black Warrior Review. Other panicked yowls have found homes at DIALOGIST, Qwerty, Drunk Monkeys, Contrary, and Puerto del Sol.
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