journeys/after remedios varo by Marcia Arrieta

journeys/after remedios varo

marcia arrieta

the spaces of art. unexpected. surreal.
chrysalislike. wheels & owls. veils.
the clockmaker & time. the mind
in the cupboard. clouds. streets.
despite form—discovery. create music.
in the spaces—light/darkness.
the forest floor. the words
are buried/emerge. juxtapose chance.
embroider color. create the birds.


words hidden in clouds. manuscripts of snow
& galleons. the compass/the sail.
magnificent trees—junipers. oaks.
plant the sunflower seeds. study the stars.
our footsteps in an empty corridor. outside
the blue door. the circles. the triangles.
survival imagination. brushstrokes red.


© Marcia Arrieta


Marcia ArrietaMarcia Arrieta is a poet, artist, and teacher. Her recent work appears in Eratio, BlazeVOX, Otoliths, Catch & Release, melusine, Web Conjunctions, and The Milo Review. She edits and publishes Indefinite Space, a poetry/art journal.