Rejected Hard Times Headlines by Michelle Cruz Gonzales

Rejected ‘Hard Times’ Headlines

Michelle Cruz Gonzales

  1. Another Old, Bitter, White Guy Declares Death of Punk
  2. Women over 40 Wear Whatever They Fucking Want and the World Doesn’t End
  3. Singers of Female Fronted Bands Denounce Descriptor—Prefer “Male-Backed” Instead
  4. Menopausal Woman Flips Out on Man Invading Her Personal Space: Blames Inner Riot Grrrl
  5. Man on MUNI Train: “Why Doesn’t Anyone Want to See My Dick?”


© 2019 Michelle Cruz Gonzales


Michelle Cruz Gonzales is the author of The Spitboy Rule: Tales of a Xicana in a Female Punk Band. Gonzales has published in Longreads, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Mitú, and Latino Rebels. She has work in two upcoming anthologies: Hexing the Patriarchy (Seal) and All Of Me: Love Anger and the Female Body (PM Press), and she’s (finally) almost finished with a satirical novel about forced intermarriage between whites and Mexicanos for the purpose of creating a race of beautiful, intelligent, hardworking people. @XicanaBrava