Tag: issue 16

The Fog Museum by Alexander Danner

The Fog Museum Alexander Danner The sign posted to the door read, “Drive Slowly: Hazardous Conditions,” which was true as far as it went. Had Benny driven her car into the museum, hazards could not have failed to present themselves, most obviously her own car barreling across the lobby to smash through the lucite donation…

from tedious to wildly overblown to kind of fun by Seth Simons

from tedious to wildly overblown to kind of fun Seth Simons an @NYTMinusContext cento a lot. Too much I can’t tell anyone normal about this It’s a car and you can’t drive it It’s just another bird until you pray for it the hugeness of the thing is a problem do you want me to tell you the…

Self-Defense by Simon Shieh

Self-Defense Simon Shieh To be saved         and unsaved. To be wrapped                        in a hotel blanket         under a table because passion. Because pain           is temporary but pride will never abandon you.         I have started to count the reasons we survive.                  All those fires             yelling on the sidewalk and I never once checked my…

Dorsal Atlas of Your Lover’s Absent Vertebrae by Erin Kae

Dorsal Atlas of Your Lover’s Absent Vertebrae Erin Kae [ Cervical  ] It’s fact, not romance— a backbone gaping as jack-o-lantern mouth. Peel back the old, shining scar. Find the gaps weightless, immune to gravity. Tiny cities floating where solid spine should be. Look closer. Each its own milky galaxy, separate & bookended by bone….

The Ashtray by Beth Weeks

The Ashtray Beth Weeks The munch wasn’t anything like Cody had expected. For one, he didn’t think a casual gathering of BDSM enthusiasts would take place at an Olive Garden. Two, he hadn’t expected to leave the meal with a recommendation for a professional sadist. A woman named Rosa gave him a phone number, saying,…