Tag: issue 2

Eating the Kitchen Sink by David Welper

Eating the Kitchen Sink David Welper Disconnect the image from the plumbing with a monkey wrench. Lift out of base, set aside. Now, relax for a moment. Once you have wiped the sweat from your forehead, slam image down on linoleum floor. (If the phone rings, answer it. It may prove useful later. If not,…

Warmest Pi by Chad M. Horn

Warmest Pi Chad M. Horn I. Item Wraps dyslexic I calculating converse pi inverse algorithms / reverse rhythms & altogether skewed logic thus, 7 divided by 22 equals 0.32; less than one-third of a (black) whole explaining my tripolar tendencies & eternal melancholy II. Warm Spite when what-goes-around-never-comes-around when circle segments cease to circulate (find…

Rivet cover issue 2

Issue 2

Rivet Issue 2 Rivet issue 2 ranges wide–from Bikini Atoll to Tupelo–and traverses a multitude of states of mind. Click through to visit the journal online, where you’ll learn the risk factors for Head Exploding Disease, which words come last, and exactly how things went down between Jesus and Diana. The authors featured here include…


With the Village by Jenn Gutierrez

With the Village Jenn Gutierrez There is no art in cutthroat competition, the way our daily lives pit one against the other. In a choir, honor bestowed upon the solos. In fútbol, a lead scorer, perhaps a goalie. I spend my days traveling. From one village expert to another, past slow down signs, children at…