When my dad caught me fireflies after catechism by Magdalyn Gould

When my dad caught me fireflies after catechism

Magdalyn Gould


If ever
Its neon guts could smear your name,
I would squeeze my palm this flush dusk
to keep you always in June.




© 2019 Magdalyn Gould


Magdalyn studied poetry at Queens College’s MFA program. She is the winner of The Hoyt Jacobs Prize in Poetry 2015 and editor for Brine Literary. Her work has been published in Newtown Literary Press, SurVision Magazine, and Phoebe Journal of Literature and Art. She lives quietly by the sea at the edge of the New York frontier with her boyfriend. They are expecting their first child in July 2019. Her greatest literary influences are Alfred Starr Hamilton, Federico Garcia Lorca, Alexander Vvedensky, and Terrance Hayes.