Category: Encyclopedia of Surreal Encounters


This journal page was received via post from our field agent, and is reproduced here.   Encyclopedia of Surreal Encounters Field Agent: Edmund Zagorin Reporting to: Maic López Sáenz


To narrate. v. To give a spoken or written account of. From Latin, gnarus: to know. Examples: The Iliad: the story of the Trojan War. The Odyssey: the story of the warriors’ return home. Snow White: the story of the death and the resurrection. Persephone: the story of the death and the resurrection. Sleeping Beauty: Nevermind….


Goofball cf. suspenders. Encyclopedia of Surreal Encounters Field Agent: Zoe Lyons Reporting to: Samantha Schoech


My spine I find is mine. Sensory.  Sensitive. I saw it. It was I, in mountains of Canada and it looked like a snowy valley.  But warm. It looked warm. Yes, I could feel with my eyes its warmth. I saw – felt – inside myself, warm-snowy with a 30% grade decline. That’s how it was when…


Lingentooten Noun Organismal hybrid of the Eurasian spoonbill, the common hedgehog, and a flugelhorn, artificially developed by biologists investigating the properties of the improbability fields of Enceladus. This bipedal mammal ranges in size between that of a wishbone and of a dwarf lemon tree, and is characterized by its gentle, staccato song, sometimes described as “tootlenous.”…